Yacht Designs Vol 1 - Ch. H. Détriché

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A Catalog of Lines Plans – Thirty Small Sailing Boats for Great Fun. Ch. H. Détriché

Product code. BK-42

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Yacht Designs Vol 1 - Ch. H. Détriché

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Charles Détriché has been a prolific and consistent designer of yachts for RC for longer than the IOM class has been around. At an early stage of that class’s history the FeFe2 had established itself as a competitive design and many others have followed tracking the general design trends in the class. For the main part, however, his designs have been of the narrower type. All are designed with simplicity of construction in mind, many being single chine for straightforward construction in thin plywood.

More recently Charles has widened his scope to provide equally simple and pleasing designs for the FOOTY, HALF METRE, 65 CLASS, RG65, J75, PHIGIT, MARBLEHEAD and TEN RATER classes. This catalogue also includes two designs intended to be built as One Designs. Sections are all shown full size, the general layout showing foils, ballast and mast position is given at reduced size and there is some descriptive text where necessary. It is typical of Charles’ generosity to the sport that he allows builders to build the designs in the catalogue free of any further payment or royalty.

This will be useful source material for anyone looking for effective and easy to build yachts of any size 300 to 1600 mm as well as for anyone interested in looking at a train of development from a single designer. 101 pages at A4 size, spiral ring bound with thick paper.

Generally for each design the plans comprise general arrangement, full size sections and sail plan. Sail plans are omitted for the IOM class. Generally there is no building or construction detail but the key components are either at full size or a suitable scale with key dimensions clearly marked.

Buy any two of Charles' books and take a £5 discount, any three for £7.50 discount and all four for a £10 discount.

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