Mainsheet post
Mainsheet post, with or without trunking - the height of the Acetal sheet post may be adjusted securely in the trunking. The nut at the lower end of the post is used to adjust the degree of friction that the post makes in the tube. Adjust the height of the post by pulling it up/pushing it down until the top of the post is just below the sheet attachment on the boom.
- The mainsheet post is available without the trunking - just choose 'no trunking'.
- Choose metal or glass/epoxy trunking for IOM class.
- Choose metal, glass or carbon/epoxy trunking for the other classes.
- The metal trunking is lightweight aluminium but is prone to corrosion so we recommend using glass or carbon wherever possible.
Downloadable document - 052CF, 052GL, 052MT & 052P.