Stencil - for 65 mm high letter

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Stencil - for 65 mm high letter

Select the sail letter stencils required.

The design that prevents spreading (wicking) of the ink under the stencil and gives a clean edge to the sail mark.

Product code. STEN-LET-65mm

Availability: In stock


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Stencil - for 65 mm high letter

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Stencil - for 65 mm high letter. Sails for light airs need to have the insignia, numbers and letters inked on to keep the sails supple.

Select the sail letter stencils required.

The correct national letters for countries are listed in Appendix G1.1 of the Racing Rules of Sailing.

The design prevents spreading (wicking) of the ink under the stencil and gives a clean edge to the sail mark. We use a fine tipped pen around the perimeter of the shape to accurately follow the edge - a Staedtler Lumocolor Permanent 313 0.4 mm is perfect for this task. The profile can then be filled in with a broader tipped pen - the Artline90 works well.

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