Wind direction indicator

Quick Overview

Wind direction indicator. Light, robust & free moving. Bright yellow vane for easy reading.

Choose from:

Standard version with plain bearings for 65 Class and other micro classes (75 x 25 mm vane)

Standard version with plain bearings - IOM/M/10R/A classes (100 x 42 mm vane)

De luxe version that has ball race bearings - IOM/M/10R/A classes (100 x 42 mm vane)


Product code. 100

Availability: In stock


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Wind direction indicator

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Wind direction indicator. Light, robust & free moving. Bright yellow vane for easy reading.

Choose from:

Standard version with plain bearings for 65 Class (75 x 25 mm vane)

Standard version with plain bearings - IOM/M/10R/A classes (100 x 42 mm vane)

De luxe version that has ball race bearings - IOM/M/10R/A classes (100 x 42 mm vane)

The vane can be trimmed down in size with scissors if required. Re-balancing will be needed with some care.

Attach to the mast head using tape or an O ring, ref. 82-010 as shown. SAILSetc mast head fittings ref. 23-110 and 23-127 have a special lug for attaching the wind indicator. The lanyard and clip hook is a safety device to avoid loss of the wind indicator.

Sometimes known as: burgee (mis-spelled as burgie), windicator, wind indicator, windex.

100-ST, 100-BR, 100-65.

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