Ball raced - any Ø mast - IOM

Quick Overview

Ball raced gooseneck/kicking strap unit with metal body for use with any round mast tube and suitable for 36/600, 36R, US 1M, IOM and similar small boats. The metal body of the gooseneck fits snugly onto a mast with any size between 8 and 14 mm Ø.

Various boom spar fittings are available.

The unit is supplied with the SAILSetc self locking design of kicking strap.

Product code. 011M

Availability: In stock


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Ball raced - any Ø mast - IOM

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Ball raced gooseneck/kicking strap unit with metal body for use with any round mast tube and suitable for 36/600, 36R, US 1M, IOM and similar small boats. The metal body of the gooseneck fits snugly onto a mast with any size between 8 and 14 mm Ø and ensures a secure and perfectly aligned fit for this key item of the boat's rig.

Various boom spar fittings are available.

The unit is supplied with the SAILSetc self locking design of plastic body kicking strap. Choose from the short version or the longer version that gives easier access for adjustment.

Replacement bearings - choose BF-011 from the SPARES section of this website.

Not quite what you need?

There are too many possible variations for our goosenecks for smaller classes (IOM, 36R, 36/600 and US1M) to list them all as individual products. But you can specify a custom gooseneck from all the available options by going to product page custom gooseneck ref.0-GNK-IOM.

Axis alignment

The design of the gooseneck body ensures it is aligned with the mast perfectly. If the effect of a tilted axis gooseneck is required (also known as adjustable axis gooseneck, variable axis gooseneck) then it is a simple matter to place a packer of the required thickness under one end of the gooseneck body before it is fixed to the mast tube. Use deck patch material or other self-adhesive material to achieve this. 0.9 mm thickness will tilt the axis by 1 degree. One layer of SAILSetc deck patch material will tilt the axis by 0.1 degree.

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Maintenance of the bearings used in this product is describedhere.

This gooseneck/kicking strap unit will also fit the 12 mm 'groovy' mast section marketed by Cap Maquettes in France and Cornwall Model Boats in the UK.

Kicking strap is the English language term used for the adjustable connection between the lower end of the gooseneck and the boom. It is also known as a vang.

Formerly coded 011A (boom end fitting for SAILSetc boom) and 011B (boom end fitting for 11 mm round boom).

Gooseneck, vit de mulet, lümmelbeschlag, zwanehais, svanehais, snood de attacco, pescante arbotante, mangual.

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