A yacht plan from SAILSetc may come in one of two forms; as a lines plan or as a construction plan.
Lines plan - a two dimensional representation of the hull. The position and dimensions of the fin, rudder and ballast are shown but no construction details are given. For best performance we strongly recommend you use our standard production fin, rudder and ballast. However, if you want to make your own fin, rudder and ballast we suggest you buy the FOILS plan and BALLAST plan at the same time as the lines plan.
Rigging information - lines plans give no information about sails or rigging except the following:
RG 65 class - mast position and principal sail dimensions
36R class - mast position suitable for use with IOM class rigs
IOM class - mast position only
Marblehead & Ten Rater class - mast position and principle proportions of the sails only
6 Metre & A Class - mast position, A, B, I & J only.
For information about rigging please purchase the relevant rigging plan. Many of the SAILSetc rigging plans are free downloads from this website.
Reduced sections - all SAILSetc lines plans since 1996 show the sections full size as well as reduced sections allowing for the plank thickness (usually 3.5 mm).
Construction plan - gives more information concerning the component parts of the boat as well as the information given on a lines plan. But the method of construction is not explained in detail. Chris Jackson’s book ‘Radio Controlled Racing Sailboats’ is the best current source of information regarding the planking process – go to the BOOK section of this site.
CAD files - we can supply iges, dxf or rhino files of a 2D view or 3D hull shape if required to supplement the lines plan and we reserve the right to make a charge for this depending on the amount of work required.
Royalty/builder fee, one off production - purchase of a yacht plan entitles the buyer to construct ONE ONLY yacht to those lines.
Royalty/builder fee, multiple production - we actively encourage builders to make moulds for our designs and to produce hulls for other builders. We have some documents that will be useful to anyone embarking on the plug/mould construction process. Please ask the SAILSetc office for copies. We expect the moulder of our designs to pay the royalty fee for the hulls he makes – it is not acceptable to leave that step to the purchaser of the hull.
Rigging plan – gives details of the construction of a rig and instructions using SAILSetc rig kit contents and other products. The IOM rigging plan gives no sail dimensions and other class rigging plans show basic sail dimensions only unless otherwise indicated.
VPP - indicates the design compares very well with others using our speed prediction program and we recommend that you choose from these if you want a modern and competitive design.
Designs - Brief notes on all Graham Bantock's yacht designs may be found in Yacht Design Notes.
Updates – where we find the need to issue an update to a plan we have added a clickable link on that class page. Feedback from owners is generally very sparse and we rarely get confirmation that mast position is correct (or wrong!) or comment on other aspects of performance. However, where we find some element of the design needs changing we will amend the original of the plan to take account of the feedback and issue an update. If you buy a plan, especially a newly released plan, it may be worthwhile keeping an eye out for these.
Guides - guidance that will assist with plug, mould and hull making is available designed to help builders maximise the quality and perormance of their products.
SAILSetc guide notes for making a hull plug
SAILSetc mould and hull moulding notes