Winch drum - for RMG - spiral design

Quick Overview

Winch drum - spiral design for RMG. 50 mm larger Ø, 20 mm smaller Ø. 340 mm sheet travel plus more at 20 mm Ø if required.

Choose from clockwise or anticlockwise versions and single or double drum versions.

Product code. 067-SPIRAL

Availability: In stock


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Winch drum - for RMG - spiral design

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Winch drum - spiral design for RMG. 50 mm larger Ø, 20 mm smaller Ø. 340 mm travel plus additional travel if more turns are added onto the smaller Ø.

Height: 15 mm for single drum version; 18 mm for double drum version.

SAILSetc design. Perfect for use on Marbleheads rigged with a swing rig with GIZMO as the additional load required to pull the GIZMO predictably is required. Also useful wherever precise control of the sheeting angle at close sheeting is needed. Initial use of this drum indicates that battery consumption seems to be much reduced giving a welcome increase in battery duration.

Intended for use on RMG winches. The special thumb screw, ref. 67-SCREW, is designed to be used to attach the drum without the need for a screwdriver and a small screw.

The double drum version permits the usual double drum winch tensioning system to be used - it is only necessary to arrange for the spring tension system to cope with the increased change of distance between the ends of the in and out lines. This is about 35 mm for the normal 340 mm of travel required for most set ups. This increases to about 60 mm where a GIZMO is used.

Choose from clockwise or anti-clockwise versions and single or double drum versions.

Clockwise version - sheet leaves the drum going clockwise. The 'thread' of the drum is like the thread of a normal screw which is turned clockwise to drive it in.

Anti-clockwise version - sheet leaves the drum going anticlockwise. The 'thread' of the drum is OPPOSITE to the thread of a normal screw.

Diagram showing a winch line system for use with the spiral drum - here.

Other terms used to describe the spiral drum include: snail drum, helix drum, helical drum, tapered drum, taper drum.

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